Color Walk Freebie For Spanish Class

Ever since I relaunched the website a week ago (and lost all my files in the process), I have been re-uploading the posts that I believe will be most useful for you this upcoming new year. 

In this post I bring you the color walk freebie! The perfect sunny day brain break. You can do it in small groups or as a whole class if you don’t have a lot of students. Simply let them choose a color, and ask them to “follow it” as they write down the names of what they find. 

For example: “verde”: “árbol, hoja, poster, barandilla, pared…” 

Perfect for novice students as they will have to figure out the names of things that are not common in the classroom. 

Here is what the freebie looks like:


if you want a copy of the freebie, click here. You could, of course, ask your students to create their own versions on their notebook instead. 

I hope your kids enjoy it as much as mine did! 🙂